1990 Hesperia, Ca (760) 949-1970

1992 Black Tobiano Stallion
APHA# 220760

"Scooter" arrived at LCR as a
yearling, severely crippled by Epythisits and founder. It seemed we were the end
of the line for this beautiful Black & white Paint colt with the big dewy
Our motto "You don't have to be perfect to live here" and the
"No kill" rule we live by, has proven to be the perfect haven for him.
"Scooter" is an own son of Spookie Do, (homozygous) out of Reed's Love
Bird, a Bolo Dee Reed line. He has won the hearts of all who know and handle
him. We figured "if he could just earn his keep, we'd be happy."
pretty headed guy has not only has he done that, he has out produced himself
over & over, and bred more mares them our other two stallions. He has
stamped out 100% color from Paints, Pinto's, Quarters, Arabs, a Morgan,
registered mares to unregistered "pets" and 4-H project mares. All but
2 are black and white.
"Scooter" passes his beautiful head &
wonderful disposition to his foals, and has normally produced a 50/50 color
pattern and dark eyes.
Obviously he could never be shown, so there are no awards
to brag about, but he himself is our own "Blue Ribbon," We won! He
won! We can't say enough about this Stallion who was almost put down. He has
done more then we dreamed possible. He has lived to improve the foals of the
mares he's covered, given the foal owner precious foals at a very reasonable
Some of his foals are now under saddle, and happy owners are raving about
their attitude and willingness, how simple they are to brake & quoting one
owner, "my colt was born broke." Owner Jim, loves a challenge and this
was it. Scooter will never be a saddle horse, but he is a joy to own and Handle.
He is our "teaser", our project, our breeding Stallion &
"watch dog," alerting us to any one who enters the property, but
mainly letting them know where to bring the hand outs.
If you are looking to
breed for disposition and brains, Consider Scooter! He's a
"Diamond in the Rough" and is doing his job, and doing it well.
Breeding at Private Treaty.
Consideration to 4-H and show homes.
"Always a